Non-Incisional Ptosis Correction

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Non-Incisional Ptosis Correction

Ptosis, commonly known as droopy eyelid, is a condition where the upper eyelid sags due to age, genetics or injury. In severe cases, ptosis can cover the pupil and impair vision.

Traditionally, ptosis is corrected via incisional ptosis repair, which involves creating an incision along the crease of the upper eyelid. Here, after the excess skin and fat are excised, the lifting mechanism (levator aponeurosis) is also shortened. This procedure is suitable for patients with moderate to severe ptosis.

Patients with mild to moderate ptosis, meanwhile, are recommended to undergo a new technique known as non-incisional ptosis correction. The technique involves creating 2-3 tiny pricks in the eyelid skin. Thereafter, a special suture is inserted and looped through the punctures and into the levator mechanism. Plicating the levator mechanism then leads to ptosis correction.

We provide a wide range of procedures enhance the eyes with beautiful and natural-looking outcomes.

For a personalised consultation, please reach out to us today.

The advantage of this technique is that it is virtually “scarless” as no long incision is made. Here, only pin-prick puncture marks are made. Because no incision is made, no suture removal is necessary and hence swelling and bruising time is also reduced.

Non-incisional ptosis correction is a day surgery that takes 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. Swelling and bruising may last 3-7 days. Antibiotic, painkiller and special anti-swelling medication will be prescribed post-procedure. Patients may experience slight tearing of the eyes which resolves after 2-3 days. The final cosmetic outcome is only apparent after 2 months when all the swelling has subsided.

Dr Leo Kah Woon was the Secretary for both the Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons as well as the Singapore Society of Cosmetic (Aesthetic) Surgeons in the year 2014-2015. Contact us today to find out more about Non-Incisional Ptosis Correction in Singapore.